2011年3月30日 星期三

Trends and Issues: Role of the School Leader(趨勢議題:學校領導者的角色) Gender Issues(性別的議題)

ED450444   EA030833
Principles of Power: Women Superintendents and the Riddle of the Heart.
Author: Brunner, C. Cryss
Availability: State University of New York Press, c/o CUP Services, Box 6525, Ithaca, NY 14851 (paperback: ISBN-0-7914-4570-4, $22.95). Tel: 800-666-2211; Fax: 800-688-2877; E-mail:
orderbook@cupserv.org; Web site: http://www.sunypress.edu.
Publication Date: 2000
ISBN: 0-7914-4570-4
Language: English
Pages: 200
Document Type: Book (010); Information Analysis (070)
Journal Announcement: RIEAUG2001
Abstract: Though less reliant on military images, women administrators have also used, and been required to use, battle models of leadership. Those who operate under different leadership assumptions have only recently received professional acceptance. The work of Carlos Castenada reveals how the Yaqui Indians trained their spiritual leaders (their "warriors") by combining masculine and feminine forces, and he explores seven significant "Principles of Power" characteristic of both male and female warriors. Interviews with 12 female superintendents reveal the applicability of these principles to their professional lives. Principle 1, "Knowing the Battleground," focuses on the importance of expectations unique to women in a traditionally male-dominated position of authority. Principle 2, "Discarding the Unnecessary," explores sacrifices women superintendents must make. Principle 3, "Choosing Battles," explains challenges women face trying to meet students' needs. Principle 4, "Taking Risks," explores the need to take risks. Principle 5, "Seeking Retreat," examines the use of mental and emotional retreats. Principle 6, "Compressing Time," explains that female superintendents must be "time leaders" with a broad appreciation of multiple, intersecting realities. Principle 7, "Exercising Power," reviews the nature of exercising power under the collaborative models that power research reveals are characteristic of women leaders. Success in practicing the seven principles is revealed in the ability of these women to laugh at themselves, remain patient, and improvise in ways appropriate to the situations they confront as superintendents and as women. (TEJ)
Descriptors: Administrators; Collegiality; Cooperation; Decision Making; Elementary Secondary Education; Imagery; *Leadership Styles; Metaphors; *Organizational Climate; *Participative Decision Making; Political Power; *Power Structure; Professional Development; Risk; Self Evaluation (Individuals); Social Networks; *Superintendents; Theory Practice Relationship; *Women Administrators
Identifiers: New York
Descriptive Terms: A volume in the SUNY series "Women in Education"; Margaret Grogan, editor. For others in the series, see ED 430 916 and ED 443 163.
Geographic Source: U.S.; New York

ED443163   EA030471
Balancing Acts: Women Principals at Work.
Author: Smulyan, Lisa
Institutional Author: State Univ. of New York, Albany.(QPX82950)
Availability: State University of New York Press, c/o CUP Services, Box 6525, Ithaca, NY 14851 (paperback: ISBN-0-7914-4518-6, $22.95; hardcover: ISBN-0-7914-4517-8, $68l.50); Tel: 800-666-2211; Fax: 800-688-2877; E-mail: 
Publication Date: 2000
ISBN: 0-7914-4518-6
Language: English
Pages: 288
Document Type: Book (010); Information Analysis (070)
Journal Announcement: RIEJAN2001
Abstract: This book uses life history and ethnography to examine the lives and work of three female elementary school principals and highlights their daily use of personal and professional skills. The principals' personal backgrounds and their effect on their work are examined within the community they serve, their school, and the historical and social structures that frame their actions and interactions. The book's goal is to illustrate the complex interactions between women administrators' personal and professional lives and the social and cultural frameworks within which they work. By developing a detailed picture of the principals' daily experiences, the tensions that arise can be examined when a community, an institution, and a principal experience differences in class, race, religion, and expectations about gender and age. To understand how principals operate effectively in schools, their actions and responses in contexts within which they work must be examined. These contexts include the "personal context of the individual"; the "community context"; the "institutional context," which includes two components--the people in position of power who control process and product and the structural regularities of schools and districts that govern the actions of school principals--and the "historical and social context," which encompasses and reflects all of the others. (Contains 182 references, chapter notes, and an index.) (DFR)
Descriptors: *Administrator Role; Elementary Secondary Education; *Leadership; *Power Structure; *Principals; Professional Recognition; Public Schools; *Sex Discrimination; Sex Role; *Women Administrators
Geographic Source: U.S.; New York

ED438602   EA030236
Femininity/Masculinity: Hegemonic Normalizations in the Public School Superintendency.
Author: Skrla, Linda
Availability: EDRS Price MF01/PC01 Plus Postage.
Publication Date: April 1999
Language: English
Pages: 25
Document Type: Information Analysis (070); Speeches/meeting papers (150)
Journal Announcement: RIEAUG2000
Abstract: This paper examines why the training, certification, selection, and promotion of educational administrators ensures both the continuation of white-male dominance and of leaders oriented toward bureaucratic maintenance. The report draws on a poststructural conceptualization of power--the deployment of power through normalization--to provide an alternative perspective on research about women superintendents, one that has begun to accumulate over the past decade. The text focuses on how normalization of the superintendency, which began after World War II, has lead to productive effects of power. This normalization created the desires, behaviors, rules, and practices of societal institutions such as schools. The paper describes the underlying normalization that structures the discourses and practices of educational administration, and how these normalizations operate reciprocally at both individual and group levels. It discusses how the normalization of femininity/masculinity perpetuated male dominance in the superintendency, and how the superintendency became defined at the organizational level of schooling as a masculine role. It reframes the findings of several recent research studies on the superintendency, highlighting such issues as the lack of discussion by female school administrators concerning gender roles in their work, the conception that women lack ambition to rise to the superintendency, and the roles of leadership styles and power. (Contains 38 references.) (RJM)
Descriptors: Educational Administration; Elementary Secondary Education; Females; *Femininity; *Instructional Leadership; Males; *Masculinity; Public Schools; *Sex Stereotypes; *Social Attitudes; *Superintendents; Women Administrators
Identifiers: Poststructuralism
Descriptive Terms: Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (Montreal, Quebec, Canada, April 19-23, 1999).
Geographic Source: U.S.; Texas

ED432038   EA029901
The Perfect Match: A Case Study of a First Year Woman Principal.
Author: Duncan, P. Kay; Seguin, Cynthia Anast; Spaulding, Wendy
Availability: EDRS Price MF01/PC01 Plus Postage.
Publication Date: April 1999
Language: English
Pages: 14
Document Type: Reports--Research (143); Speeches/meeting papers (150)
Journal Announcement: RIEDEC1999
Abstract: This paper presents a case study illustrating the experiences of a first-year elementary-school principal. It follows her through her 18 months on the job, and analyzes the factors contributing to her ouster. The data for the study were gathered through two interviews with the principal and interviews with five other persons in her school district. It relates the principal's positive impressions of her first year on the job and her firm conviction that she had won the trust of her teachers. However, interviews with others revealed that teachers felt that the principal was trying to change too many things too rapidly and that she had little respect for the ways in which teachers had handled situations in the past. Although the principal had enjoyed some successes in her first year, having met all of her goals, teacher resentment continued to grow and undermined their respect for the principal. She was perceived as a foreigner in this small-town school, which, combined with her perceived abrasive style, increased the staff's alienation. Speculations about what the principal could have done to save her position are offered, but her inability to listen to her teachers and their ideas and opinions doomed any such hope of acceptance. (RJM)
Descriptors: *Beginning Principals; Case Studies; Educational Change; Elementary Secondary Education; Females; *Instructional Leadership; *Leadership Styles; *Principals; Resistance to Change; School Administration; Teacher Attitudes; *Women Administrators
Identifiers: Texas
Descriptive Terms: Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (Montreal, Quebec, Canada, April 19-23, 1999).
Geographic Source: U.S.; Kansas

ED431232   EA029879
The Changing Face of the Principalship in Alabama: Role, Perceptions, and Gender.
Author: Kochan, Frances K.; Spencer, William A.; Mathews, Jerry
Availability: EDRS Price MF01/PC02 Plus Postage.
Publication Date: April 1999
Language: English
Pages: 30
Document Type: Reports--Research (143); Speeches/meeting papers (150)
Journal Announcement: RIENOV1999
Abstract: This paper examines the principalship in Alabama. It focuses on the "individual role conception" of the principalship as perceived by those in that role and investigates whether gender affected these perceptions. For the research, principals were asked to provide personal demographic and professional information and to respond to three open-ended questions: What are the three greatest challenges you faced as a starting administrator in this position? What are the three most significant ways in which your presently held position is changing or has changed in the last 5 years? What do you consider to be the five most important skills a new administrator in your position needs to possess? A survey was developed and sent to all principals in Alabama (N=1303). Findings from 514 principals were used for this study. The findings suggest that external pressures, particularly those related to state mandates, the budgeting system, and accountability measures, have increased stress, paperwork, and workload. Male and female principals perceived their roles in similar ways. However, women viewed the tasks before them and the ways in which they must deal with them in a more global manner than did males. For example, they identified the need to make the facilities more inviting because they recognized the impact of "deteriorating facilities" on morale. Women thought in terms of developing a broad base of skills rather than only dealing with a particular task or issue. (RJM)
Descriptors: *Administrator Attitudes; Administrator Role; Elementary Secondary Education; *Instructional Leadership; Leadership Responsibility; *Principals; *School Administration; *Sex Differences
Identifiers: *Alabama
Descriptive Terms: Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (Montreal, Quebec, Canada, April 19-23, 1999).
Geographic Source: U.S.; Alabama

ED421748   EA029137
Let My Spirit Soar! Narratives of Diverse Women in School Leadership.
Author: Ah Nee-Benham, Maenetta K. P.; Cooper, Joanne E.
Availability: Corwin Press, Inc., 2455 Teller Road, Thousand Oaks, CA 91320-2218 (paper: ISBN-0-8039-6672-5; $21.95; Cloth: ISBN-0-8039-6671-7; $49.95).
Publication Date: 1998
ISBN: 0-8039-6672-5
Language: English
Pages: 174
Document Type: Book (010); Reports--Descriptive (141)
Journal Announcement: RIEJAN1999
Abstract: A neglected area in school leadership research is that of minority women's leadership. This collection of essays by nine minority women in education draws on their personal experiences creating a profile of the personal differences and leadership characteristics each woman brings to her situation. The text looks at the ways that ethnic women, by virtue of their marginality, find useful ways to balance their home lives and professional lives. They learned to develop and establish webs of support, and they resisted suppression and injustice through nonconfrontation. Four themes resound throughout the text: the pervasive sense of differences; the determination and courage; a sense of compassion for children; and the redefinition of power and authority by developing relationships among equals. The women represent a diverse mix: Filipina, Latina, Cuban, lesbian, Japanese American, African American, Tamil Indian, and Chinese American. Each woman, by relating her personal stories, affords an unusual peek into the qualities of leadership and into personal and professional attributes grounded in gender and ethnicity. (Contains approximately 110 references.) (RJM)
Descriptors: Elementary Secondary Education; Ethnic Bias; *Instructional Leadership; Lesbianism; *Minority Groups; Personal Narratives; *Racial Bias; School Supervision; *Sex Discrimination; Sex Stereotypes; Social Bias; *Women Administrators
Geographic Source: U.S.; California

2011年3月11日 星期五

Principals Identify Top Ten Leadership Traits

校長要認識的最重要十大領導特質 Principals Identify Top Ten Leadership Traits

Education World surveyed 43 principals to learn what they consider essential traits of successful school leaders. Vision, trustworthiness and credibility, daily visibility, and a sense of humor were among the ten traits that topped the list!Included: Principals comment on the most important characteristics of strong leadership!
“Education World”網站調查了43位校長,來瞭解並學習他們眼中成功學校領導者應有的重要特質。像是願景、可靠性、信譽、每日可見度及幽默感等特質,都高居前十名內,這項調查也包含校長們認為最重要的領導人格特質!

"If you don't know where you are going, it makes no difference what path you take," said Helene Dykes, principal at Marian Bergeson Elementary School, in Laguna Niguel, California. "Without a clear vision, you have no way to prioritize what is most essential. A clear vision allows you to focus energy on the most important things to do."
"If credibility and trust are not established, nothing the principal sets out to do can be achieved," added principal Betty Luckett, of Oakes Elementary School, in Okemah, Oklahoma. "As a principal, trust and credibility are the foundation for my goals and objectives. It is also the fuel for my vision."
"An effective administrator must be visible," said John Grady, principal at Fairgrounds Junior High School, in Nashua, New Hampshire. "Students, staff, and parents need to see the administrator in the classrooms, in the corridors, at lunches, at bus duty, and at extracurricular activities. If this is accomplished, the administrator will know his or her constituents, be aware of what is taking place in the building, and send the message to all that he or she is concerned."

Vision. Credibility. Visibility. Those are three of the most important leadership traits, according to the Education World Principal Files (P-Files) principals. Forty-three Principal Files principals identified and sequenced in order of importance the ten qualities they felt were the most essential in strong school leaders.
根據Education World Principal Files文件的內容,「願景、信譽及能見度」,它們三個是最重要的領導特質。

See the sidebar for survey results. Click here for more details about how the survey was conducted and for detailed survey results.

Having a stated vision for the school -- and a plan to achieve that vision -- was the most important quality in school leaders, according to the Education World P-Files principals.

"The principal needs to be the person steering the ship," Jed Landsman-Yakin told Education World. Landsman-Yakin, principal at Belfry (Montana) High School, added, "The ship, of course, is the educational system, and the direction is as important as the ship."

Landsman-Yakin went on to say that during his years in education, he has seen many bad captains and floundering ships. "We must do better! That is why I think having a vision is the most important quality of a strong school leader," he added.

"If you don't know where you are headed, how can you get there in the most efficient, successful manner?" wondered Bonita Henderson, assistant principal at Roselawn Condon School, in Cincinnati. "Every trip needs to have a plan, or you can get lost and have an unproductive trip. Well-made plans ensure the best trips and provide time for handling unforeseen obstacles."

2011年3月5日 星期六

Leadership for the 21st Century: Breaking the Bonds of Dependency







1. Respect those you want to silence.
2. Move toward the danger in forming new alliances.
3. Manage emotionally as well as rationally.
4. Fight for lost causes.